In the kitchen
Pink Lady® recipes
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151 recipes (Page 10 / 17)

Category: Dessert
Apple and Toffee Ripple Ice Cream with Crumble Sprinkles
A surprising blend of flavours in this delicious cold treat.

Category: Dessert
Baked Pink Lady® Apple Stacks with Red Wine Caramel Sauce and Honey Madeleines
A rich, sticky pudding. It’s got a wintery feel to it, but is so delicious you’ll love it...

Category: Snacks
Apple, Raspberry and Almond Energy Bar
These nutritious bars also work out as an effective post-run recovery treat to help replace the nutrients lost...

Category: Mains
Garlic and Chilli Prawns with Apple, Avocado and Lime Salsa
Even when the sun isn’t shining this tasty, zingy very easy to make Australian recipe will make it...

Category: Mains
Savoury Baked Apples with Sunday Roast Pork Shoulder
A British Sunday classic, brought bang up to date with the addition of Pink Lady® apples.

Category: Snacks
Goat's Cheese and Apple Snack Salad
The subtly creamy goat's cheese offsets the Pink Lady® apple's tartness. Lovely!

Category: Sides
Carpaccio with Chilli, Lime Syrup and Fresh Mint
A super healthy and light salad, great on a hot summer’s day.

Category: Snacks
Spicy Pink Lady® Apple Crisps with Goats Cheese Dip
This delicious savoury snacking recipe has been developed by food blogger Cate in the Kitchen. Get a delicious...

Category: Drinks
Pink Lady® Apple, Beetroot and Ginger Juice
Kick start your day with a fresh juice! This recipe, developed by food blogger Rawberry Fields, combines earthy...
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