Pink Lady® recipes
Serve up a little bit of magic this Christmas with some extra special Pink Lady® apple recipes. Our apples are not only perfect for the after-dinner cheeseboard, but can also feature in your Christmas lunch from start to finish.
Have a browse of our Christmas apple recipes below and discover how you can elevate your Christmas dinner this year. We can show you how to make your Christmas day stuffing shine and turn an everyday portion of mash into an indulgent Christmas treat.
You can also cook up a showstopping Christmas crumble dessert and make your own mince pies that the whole family will be munching on for weeks. If that’s not enough, you can even put a Pink Lady® spin on your favourite cocktail recipe for Christmas day.
Christmas recipes
14 recipes (Page 1 / 2)

Category: Snacks
Serve up a little showstopper this Christmas with this smoked salmon and Pink Lady® apple puff pastry stack...

Category: Dessert

Category: Dessert
Pink Lady® apples are a perfect accompaniment for pies as they hold their shape and don’t disintegrate when...

Category: Dessert
Ultimate Pink Lady® Apple Crumble Recipe
There are endless variations on the classic apple crumble, which makes finding the best recipe quite difficult. That's...

Category: Dessert
Make some extra special Pink Lady® apple Christmas mince pies this year. A Christmassy treat dialled up to...

Category: Sides
Pink Lady® Festive Stuffed Apples
This festive fancy is guaranteed to wow your guests. First make a delicious pork and apple stuffing, flavoured...

Category: Mains
Pork and Apple Christmas Stuffing Recipe
Your stuffing really needs to shine on Christmas day, and our pork and apple Christmas stuffing recipe will...

Category: Drinks
Mulled Apple Juice with Pink Lady® Pomander
A truly warming winter tipple, this mulled apple juice is best served in front of a warm fire...

Category: Drinks
This modern twist on the popular Mojito is sure to go down a treat at any party and...
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The Crunch
Take a bite into our juicy Pink Lady® news updates, or why not try out our core crunching workouts from Pink Lady® Core.
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Where to Buy
Find out where you can pick up sweet and crunchy Pink Lady® apples.
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