This summer, as part of our ongoing commitment to FareShare, we were thrilled to be able to donate 100,000 delicious Pink Lady® apples to 429 charities across the UK, to help support those most vulnerable over the summer months.

Our apples were distributed to FareShare depots up and down the country, who then supplied charitable organisations and community groups across a number of regions. Over 10 tonnes of apples made their way to people in need from Aberdeen to Milton Keynes, Bristol to Ipswich to name just a few.
The FareShare warehouse teams welcomed the arrival of Pink Lady® apples this summer, a time when FareShare particularly struggle to access fresh fruit for those they support – which includes charities who combat homelessness and poverty and help to aide low-income families and the elderly.
Adèle Fash, Commercial Manager, Produce at FareShare shares, “Fresh, tasty fruit is so important for the families our charities support, especially over the summer when so many struggle without the safety net of free school meals. These apples couldn’t have come at a better time and we’re enormously grateful to Pink Lady© for their donation – thank you!”
We are proud to have been supporting FareShare, the UK's largest charity fighting hunger and food waste, since July 2020 throughout their various appeals. So far, we have donated over 214,000 apples reaching 929 charities and our financial contributions have supported FareShare in redistributing the equivalent of over 82,400 meals in the fight to combat hunger and poverty.
For more information on FareShare and the work they do, please visit https://fareshare.org.uk/