Pink Lady® competition winner is heading down under
To celebrate the 45-year Aussie heritage of our delicious Pink Lady® apples, we teamed up with M&S to give one lucky Pink Lady® apple lover the chance to win the holiday of a lifetime to Australia.
Avid M&S shopper, Liz Godley, was out at her local M&S buying Pink Lady® apples as part of her weekly shop. She noticed the competition sticker on-pack, launched in October last year, and decided that it was too good an opportunity to not enter.
Planning to take the trip as soon as possible, Liz and her husband will fly to the cultural and cosmopolitan hub of Melbourne. The couple will enjoy a seven-night stay in four-star accommodation and will be treated to £500 of spending money. Whilst there, Liz will be taken on a tour of one of our orchards where our delicious apples are grown – here she will be given a chance to handpick our Pink Lady® apples.

Winner: Liz Godley (centre)
Liz said: “I’m so thrilled to have won this trip of a lifetime. It’s a great opportunity for me to visit Australia and my lovely daughter, she moved there 3 years ago for work and I missed an opportunity to see her last year. I’m a huge Pink Lady® apple fan so I’m fascinated to visit the Pink Lady® orchards to see how they’re grown and to try my hand at apple-picking!”
We’re looking forward to hearing all about her adventures down under.
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