Join Pink Lady® and the British Bee Charity to help British bees

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Here at Pink Lady® we know how important bees are. Without them, we wouldn’t be able to grow our distinctly sweet and crunchy Pink Lady® apples that we all recognise and love.

To celebrate the importance of bees we are now a sponsor of The British Bee Charity and have been inspiring and delighting our fans with some lovely prizes which help support British bees.

We rely on bee pollination in our eco-responsible Pink Lady® orchards across the Northern Hemisphere, where bees play an essential role in pollinating the apple blossom which transforms into fruit. Flowers have a short lifespan from two to ten days, which is why we work with agricultural and beekeeping experts as part of the BeePink Campaign, introducing bees into the orchard during the blossoming period.

Our friends at Pink Lady® Europe know the great impact bees have in our orchard and the importance of the campaign: “Thanks to the BeePink Campaign, we can ensure we share the best arboricultural practices and protect bees by providing a monitored water point and the correct landscape around our orchards to provide food and habitat for bees.”

“The presence of domestic and wild bees directly impacts our apples, as bees have a positive effect on the weight, shape and even number of pips the apple has. Bees consume between 20 and 50kg of pollen per year – our orchards ensure the presence of hedges and uncultivated land to provide an essential source of food and habitat for the bees and their foraging colleagues.”

At Pink Lady® we want to respect and protect bees all year round and inspire our Pink Lady® fans to do the same at home. By following these four tips you can ensure you’re helping to protect British bees and your outdoor space is a bee haven!

1. Grow flowers
With fewer wildflowers than ever before bees have less readily available food sources. By growing pollen rich flowers in your garden or balcony like buddleia, lavender or honeysuckle from spring to late autumn you can ensure bees have access to pollen.

2. Provide a water source for bees

Busy bees get thirsty! Putting a shallow water dish on your balcony or in your garden can be a savoir for thirsty bees. But remember, bees can drown if the water is too deep, place pebbles in the water to provide a safe place for bees to sit whilst they drink.

3. Help tired bees

If you see a sleepy bee that looks in need of a pick-me-up, simply mix 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar with one tablespoon of water, this will make the bee a sweet drink that’s full of energy. Place the sugar water on a plate or spoon near the bee, it will help itself and hopefully be buzzing off in no time.

4. Create a bumblebee shelter

Bumblebees need safe, warm and sheltered spaces to hibernate and nest, leaving a pile of stones, wood or leaves over winter can create the perfect environment. Alternatively, if your outdoor space is small you could buy a bumblebee hotel and hang it up ready for its first guest.

To find out more about The British Bee Charity, please visit