Core- Series 2

Series 2
Pilates Skills and Snackisfaction
These Pink Lady Core moves have been designed to make the most of your me-time. Combine them with the exercises in the Pink Lady Core Strengthening & Flexibility series to create a full workout or practice one or two for a quick fix that suits your mood.
Hooping - playfulness
Balance - mindfulness
Breathing - relax
Walk-out Push-up - optimise
Chest-opener - energise

We are back with some new additions to our Pink Lady® Core series of easy yet effective workout moves to help strengthen those all-important core muscles in the comfort of your own home..
Hooping is great fun as well as great for the core – whether you do it out in the garden, in the house, while watching TV or listening to the radio, it’s a great way to get a fun 15-minute workout.
How to hoop
Ensure you choose a hoop that reaches your waist or chest when you stand it on its side.
The larger your hoop is the slower it spins which makes a larger one ideal for a beginner, as you have more time to sync your body to the rhythm of the hoop.
Step inside your hoop with your hands a comfortable distance apart.
Bring your hoop to your waist and adopt a split stance with one foot in front of the other.
Place the hoop against one side of your torso.
Spin the hoop anti–clockwise if your right foot is forwards, and clockwise if you have your left foot forwards.
Start to move your waist in a circular motion to keep the hoop spinning. When the hoop moves across your stomach push the hoop forwards and as it moves across your back push the hoop back
Things to look out for...
Wherever the hoop is on your body is the part of your body that needs to be moving to keep the hoop spinning. If there is too much movement in your hips and knees the hoop will be drawn down to that area.
If the hoop is dropping tuck your tail under and push your front hip into the hoop.
Trying to improve your balance and core strength but not sure how to make progress? Try something a little different with our latest Pink Lady® Core exercise: balancing leg swings.
You can do this simple yet effective move in the comfort of your own home using Franklin balls or even a folded towel.
This exercise will improve your balance and abdominal muscles as well as your legs.
How to balance
Carefully place one foot on two small balls – we used Franklin balls but you could use a folded towel.
Lift your opposite leg off the floor so that you are balanced on the two balls, and standing on one leg.
Try and hold your balance as long as you can, keeping your lifted leg suspended downwards towards the floor.
Once you feel stable in this position swing your lifted leg backwards and forwards to challenge the strength of your standing leg to maintain your balance. Keep your abdominal muscles engaged throughout.

Looking to strengthen your core in the comfort of your own home, with easy-to-master moves? Look no further than Pink Lady Core®, exercises by our expert Jane Linden, designed to help strengthen those all-important core muscles.
This exercise is a simple one for mindful relaxation.
How to Breathe for mindfulness
Sit or stand tall with your spine in neutral.
Wrap the exercise band around the lower part of your rib cage (just underneath your chest line) and cross it over at the front.
Start to breathe deep and full into the back and into the sides of your ribcage. Breathing in through your nose and gently out through your mouth.
Try to use your breath to get as much movement in your ribcage as possible. As you breathe in feel your ribs expand out to the side walls and into your band and as you breathe out feel your ribs narrow and draw away from the band.
Keep using your band for feedback throughout so that you feel the band stretch on your inhalation as your ribs expand. You should feel the band loosening slightly as your ribs gently compress on your exhalation. Engage your abdominal muscles as you exhale fully
Continue to breathe laterally so that you feel your ribcage expanding out to the sides and back as you breathe in, and then narrow and contract as you breathe out. Breathe with mindfulness and focus throughout
A step further…
Once you have mastered your breathing try and coordinate some movement with your breath Lie on your back in your neutral position and focus on your breathing. As you breathe out extend one leg forward until your leg is straight, and as you breathe in bend your leg back in again. Keep your pelvis still throughout.

Walk Out Push Up
This exercise is called the Walk-out Push Up, and it helps strengthen arms as well as the core. This move uses all your major muscle groups making it great for optimising your work out time.
How to do a walk out push up
Start standing tall in your neutral position. Perform a squat and lift your arms to shoulder height.
Tip your weight forwards onto the balls of your feet to take your hands onto the floor. Your heels may come away from the floor
Walk your hands forwards towards the front edge of the mat to create a plank position, so that you are in one straight line from the crown of your head to the heels of your feet
Make sure that your wrists are in line with your shoulders but as wide as your mat, and the heels of your feet are over your toes
Slowly lower your chest to elbow level by bending your elbows out to the side and keeping your palms flat on the floor. As you are lowering, your spine should stay in neutral. Do not allow your tailbone to stick out, keep your pelvis slightly tucked under and your abs held in
Slowly push into the floor through your palms, arms and chest to bring yourself back into the plank position
Repeat up to three pushups in the plank position. If you re still working on building your strength up you can modify the exercise by placing your knees on the floor, as there is less load through your core
Once you have performed your pushups walk your hands towards your feet/knees to bring your chest towards your knees, simultaneously lift your bottom up in the air. Keep your head low and begin to roll up through your spine one vertebrae at a time until you are back to standing in your neutral alignment.
Chest Opener
We are back with some exciting new additions to our Pink Lady® Core series. The easy to follow Pilates moves that our expert Jane Linden has chosen are perfect to help strengthen those all-important core muscles.
Introducing the Chest Opener: designed to strengthen the core and increase stability. Follow the steps below to master this move.
How to perform a chest opener
Squat; start standing tall, in your neutral spine position and maintain throughout the exercise.
Hold a band in front of your thighs, with your hands shoulder distance apart.
Imagine you are about to sit back on a chair, which is being pulled away from you.
Bend your knees and start to sit your bottom down and back until your bottom is just a little higher than your knees, simultaneously lifting the band to shoulder height.
Keep your body weight in your heels, you should be able to lift your toes and wiggle them
Your knees should not jut out beyond your toes and you should maintain neutral spine.
Start to raise the band over your head as you return to a standing position in neutral spine, and circle it behind your lower back.
Try and find a stretch across the front of your chest as you reach the band behind you.
Reach the band over your head and circle it forwards in front of your shoulders as you squat down again.
Things to look out for...
Tuck your tailbone very slightly under to make sure that there is no pressure on the lower vertebrae.
Do not allow your chest to drop towards your knees, you can bring your arms out in front of you as you sit to help balance.
Ensure you don’t allow your elbows to bend and there are no changes to your spine as you circle the band behind your back